Thursday, November 11, 2010

It's been a while, but Im back.

I know it has been quite a while folks, but I am happy to say that I am posting for a special occasion. Also the holidays are coming up, so I might as well provide some new stories of ye ole Korea. What has sparked the revival of this blog are the events of tonight. In order to convey these events, or do them justice in anyway, I will do it in the form of a short story.

It was 11:34pm on a dreary Thursday night in Pyengchon Korea. I found myself submersed in the computer as I usually am around this time. As always I was eating whatever leftovers I cooked from the previous night's home cooked cuisine, and talking to Stephanie about the various woes of her college life.
Dinner consisted of left over rice I had prepared for an important meeting with the CDI elite, which consisted of myself, the beloved Bryan Bucco, Tracy the totalitarian Nguyen; aka "My Boss", Nikki "the angel in disguise" Pena, Gabriela "the broad" Hill, Steven "the dirty deed" cooper, and our house maid Sydney.
Little did I know that the events set forth that night would shape the next 36 hours of my life. Dinner was fairly normal, "The Elite" were discussing the upcoming seminar in which we would put on a play, or should I say "spectacle" that would rival the Radio City Music hall "Christmas Spectacular!!!"

It is very rare to have so much brilliance gather in one spot at the same time, but somehow we made it happen. By the end of the night a script that rivaled Shakespeare's best was created, and we were ready to rehearse. Tracy, the wise and beautiful boss she is decided that the best place to practice this revolutionary script was on an out door stage in the busiest area of our neighboring town; Beomgye. The only problem was that unlike tracy who was born half super model, half genius, and well.... half bear, we all lacked fur coats to protect us from the 30 degree weather Wednesday night. Still, we kept on trucking because thats how we do it here in Korea. After a couple hours of rehearsing our "spectacle," and shivering we called it a night.
Come Thursday afternoon our product was ready, and we put on a show for our fellow teachers, staff, and the head honcho, or should I say head...ache Jefferson; the Manager of our Branch. The play was met with critical acclaim. The immediate reaction was laughter, followed by tears, and culminating with the greatest Kiss ever witnessed in history between myself, and the 2o some girls we work with at my branch. (alright that part may be a bit embellished, but this is my story, so deal) OK where was I? ahhhh yes "the end of "The Spectacle"

After the show we had a normal night of teaching, and then I returned home, which brings me back to the beginning of my story. So, it is 11:34 pm, my dialogue with Steph is reaching a highly intellectually stimulating point when a phone rings. "nananananan wee weee weee woo hoo beep" went the phone. I answered, and on the other end was the distressed cries for help from none other than Bryan himself. "Alex!!! I need your help" he screamed. I replied, "ohhh did you forget you wallet again, and can't pay the Korean masseuse for you "massage?" He replied,"no dummy, the 10th one is always free." After some quick laughs he immediately began to explain the bind he had gotten himself into.

Now, many of you may be thinking what could have possibly happened. Was he kidnapped? Was he sick? Was he lost? Was he caught cross dressing again, and needed bail posted? No!! This was something much funnier. He began to tell me how he was on his way home, and realized that rent was due, so he stopped to get some money at Shinan Bank, which is right downstairs from our apartment. Just when the ATM released that sweet scented Green won, the automated security system activated, locking all of the doors, and removing any chance of getting out. Needless to say he was trapped inside.
What makes this particularly funny was the fact that the bank is surrounded by glass on 2 sides, and is located on a busy street. What this means, is random Korean pedestrians got to walk by the bank and peer in at the babo meegook (Korean for "Stupid American/Bucco) stuck in the bank. By the time I arrived Bryan had already spent 30 minutes failing to figure out ways to escape, all the while suffering the indignity of being laughed at by various onlookers. I myself could not hold back some laughs of my own. Finally after some time had passed I noticed a push-pad security lock, which I purposely typed a false password in in-order to trigger the silent alarm, so that a security guard would come. The security guard did eventually come, but not until after Bryan had called all of his korean friends here in Pyengchon asking for help.
The night came to an end, and Bryan was released by a confused but friendly security guard that looked rather entertained by the 2 foreigners looking at each other from opposite sides of the glass, much like you would see in a conjugal visit at a jail. We returned home, and the adventures of the night were over, but I imagine this will not be the end of the many surprises Korea has to offer.

Thanks for peering in at the blog, all ye who remain faithful. I miss everyone, and I will try to keep more regular posts up. I will be home in March, and want to give some shout outs to Scott, Steph, Mom, Mom #2, Janelle, Kirby, The Bean,"The crew", the Bedles, and more. I miss and love you all. Can't wait to se you in 4 months.

**** Pictures****
1) Bryan stuck in the bank. ( taken from the sidewalk)
2) Bryan stuck (taken up close.)
3) Myself at Seoraksan the highest mountain in South Korea
4) One of the many water falls Seoraksan has to offer
5) The beautiful fall that south Korea provides