Monday, April 5, 2010

Fish and Strip???

Sorry for the delay I had a bit of a late weekend. This weekend was pretty eventful yet again. I went out friday night with some coworkers, and the very much missed Charles (aka: "The Korean pimp). The destination was a club in the city of Anyang that played all western hip hop. It was packed full of Koreans, and I was one of maybe a dozen foreigners there. I danced the night away, and spent most the time feeling like I was a rock star, or someone high profile. Koreans have a way of making foreigners feel like they are on top of the world. The night ended pretty late, and I went to bed only to wake up to another long day. Myself and a few co-trainees all went to the Coex aquarium, which is one part of the Coex mall. The Coex mall is the biggest underground mall in the world. Believe me it is an absolute maze to navigate. Even with a map, myself and a few coworkers had trouble navigating it. The aquarium was pretty entertaining, but I have seen better to be honest. The mall however was amazing, and I was able to find really cheap jeans, which I needed after ripping a hole in one of my few pairs. The jeans were 28000 won, so about 24 dollars. They are one of the nicer quality pairs of jeans I have ever purchased. The store I got them from is called Uni Qlo, and apparently is a really trendy clothing store similar to H&M apparel, but with nicer higher quality clothing. I then went out to Korean barbecue with some more trainees because it was my friend Melissa's birthday. We then went to the bar, and then naturally ended at another club. Based on my recommendation we all agreed on Guerilla, where I lost my stripping virginity. This time however it got a little more out of hand. Some crazy drunk Korean girl pulled my pants down exposing a couple bits of me that I shall leave anonymous. I was pretty pissed, but no one really saw so when I told her to stop she tried to pull my shirt off. As intrigued as I was by her persistence I finally submitted, and gave her dominance over the pole we were sharing. All in all it was a fun time, but I will be taking it a bit easier for a while. I have a quiet weekend planned for next week, and a biking trip planned for the following.
1) My favorite part of the aquarium..... Manatees
2) One part of the exhibit at the aquarium where they incorporated fish tanks and aquariums into every day household appliances.
3) The coworkers and I at club MC
4) The birthday girl and I tearing up some stage
5) A few of the trainees making fun of my Jersey roots by fist pumping. Damn you Jersey shore I will never hear the end of you.

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