Sunday, March 14, 2010

Holy Hell What a Weekend!!!!!

This will be in 2 posts because I have fallen behind. I will get back to my weekly updates every Sunday. Alright, so where to begin. To start my coworkers are slowly teaching me that drinking and going to clubs is the only thing to do here at night. It has been one of the most alcoholic months of my life, and I will be slowing down. Still, it makes for a great story. We'll start with the boring stuff. I have been loving teaching, and my kids are funny as hell. We have a part of class called the (Critical thinking project) where the kids create a skit based on the lesson. The assignment was to create a mock-blog about a scandal that happened in class. They agreed on forcing the teacher to give A's with the use of a water gun because real guns are "not nice" The pic they drew rocks, and will be posted. It has a naked korean boy with a small penis holding me up with a poorly drawn water gun. This gets me to the next point BEWARE OF RANT!!!!- This countries education system is way less strict, and less politically correct than America's. For this reason they are all more entertaining because they get to use there imagination without being ridiculed if it's to violent or to politically incorrect. Sorry for that rant. I have eaten some good food, and found good pizza here. Moving on *****We will first begin with friday I went out for a number of my coworker's birthdays. It was awesome. We started with a casual bar and moved to this kick ass club that reminds me of the jersey scene hard core. I danced with just about every girl I work with, and a couple dudes as well, and loved every minute of it. Everyone got trashed and then myself, and a few friends went back to my place where we all crashed. This was rough though because I still have no furniture so we all divided up my floor, and got, what could only be described as a torturous nights sleep. Props to my friends here for toughing it out.

*** The street I work on in Pyenchon ,
The first bar with my coworkers and the ever lovable Angie,
The club dancing it up with some friends and coworkers ,
Some friends and coworkers dancing
The aftermath, Joe, Mark, and Priscilla passed out on the floor.

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