Wednesday, March 3, 2010

My apartment

Yes, I was able to find and move into an apartment in 2 days. My rent is 650 plus utz. Its a decent size, and is wide open. As of right now I have no furniture. So yes you can see my kids bed on the floor. It was 20 bucks and will have to hold me over. My neighbors are also very fun. There is Joey he's like a total meat head type. Rachael... she's a shop-aholic, Monica the chef who used to be fat, Chandler the fun, but cute with an alcohol problem type, and of course the neighborhood nerd; Ross. By the way I am sitting on a hard wood floor typing this to you. Also tell me what you guys think; I am torn between 2 themes, either a sex/work out dungeon, or a kids style ambiance. Sorry this is such a boring post but some people were curious.

* my place


  1. Why does it look like there's a keypad attached to your toilet??

  2. sadly it took me until the 3rd friends character to realize you were joking :( I need to get out more

    and is that an oven or a washing machine?
